Creating a Personal Business Transition Roadmap

Creating a Business That Runs Without You!

Taking Control of Your Future

Everyone will exit their business at some point – it’s inevitable! And most companies with no exit plan in place will simply close their doors either upon retirement or possibly sooner if the owner is incapacitated and can’t return to work. Why leave years of past client goodwill, established supplier relationships, and dedicated employees to simply vanish? Plan for the future but also plan for the “unplanned” future when unexpected changes in life can happen!

Contractors can remove themselves from daily operations, increase company revenue by adding company “value-drivers,” and create an end-goal of a sale or transfer to a qualified party, but this doesn’t happen by chance. Like any good construction project, it occurs when a solid plan is thoughtfully and strategically put in place. Start now - protect your business while you are healthy by creating a business continuity plan if something were to happen to you. This protects your business and your family. Simultaneously, start planning for that inevitable “some time” in the future when you begin to step away from day-to-day operations. Like any good construction plan, it can take time. Plan for those inevitable changes. That time is now!

Every contractor business owner will exit their business at some point. An exit strategy will insure your hard work pays off when it is time to sell,
Creating a construction company with transferable value happens when strategic steps are implemented thoughtfully and deliberately in your business plan.

Make Changes Today for Tomorrow.

Creating a company with transferable value happens when strategic steps are implemented thoughtfully and deliberately in your business plan. Without this, you are simply walking away from an asset you have worked incredibly hard for. You may be leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table! Click below to learn more.


What to Expect.

Together, we’ll develop a transition plan and scheduled exit that leverages the value you’ve built over your many years building your business and brand.


Business Exit Strategies

An exit plan allows you, as a business owner, to develop intentional ownership transition and succession plans.

Determine the Value of your Business

As a team, we will determine your business’s actual value, critical to planning and achieving a long-term financial goal.

Taking Care of Families and Employees – Create a Continuity Plan

Does your company have a solid continuity plan that protects families and employees in case of an accident or illness?

Putting It All Together: Designing Your Exit Plan Roadmap!

Putting together a customized exit plan is much like creating a set of construction plans. It is putting the desired end-goal into a working plan.


Let’s Talk

We'll walk you through the process of preparing your business for long-term success. Click Below to See Where You Stack Up For An Exit!


 What Our Contractors Say

“David Lupberger does not push you into a system, rather he helps you bring out your own system that works to your unique giftings and strengths.  I started working with David in 2006 and continue to work with him today.  In recent months, he has helped me bring our business to a level that I wanted to achieve.  Without David, I lacked the clarity and vision to be able to put in place step by step the necessary pieces to be able to realize my goals.  God willing, I will continue to work with him for years to come.  On a personal note, he is truly a great guy, someone I really like."

Craig Huseby, Huseby Homes, LLC